Friday, October 26, 2007

not like this.

its amazing how the littlest things can make you happy or sad.

how five seconds can be worth more than 5 weeks.
how the absence of a smile can bring your whole week down.

it should not be like this.

picking myself apart up.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


rarrr! no flip flops. still have to pay split cost of the international calls. bahh. if i knew earlier i would`ve joined another spree for them pls. urgh.


i think i should listen to the advice i give myself every morning and go home after work. i am seriously so lethargic everyday. always late for work, come to office sit down and feel like sleeping, and i think i`ve been having alot of careless mistakes in my work. and i can`t seem to remember what the lawyer asks me to do like, 15 mins after he tells me. huh. my brains seems foggy.

i think i shall go home to sleep today. but that`s what i say everyday. oh well.

and oh! i found a pretty girl's blog. yay.
usa, hk, singapore. (:

sip pls be over soon. i`m bored sick of you.

yes, i do realise that this is such an aimless and meaningless post.

Monday, October 22, 2007


it should be quite
things don`t have to be this way.

it stares right back.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


don`t like sip.
for many reasons; more than one.
don`t like the way things are.
without it; it might have been different.

but that`s the way it is and who am i to complain.
its not like any of us wants it this way ... right?
i hope.
i don`t know how i feel about
these new things
i find out about myself.