Friday, June 08, 2007


you know what? i am very lazy to update my blog. ):

you know why? cos i have photos that i`m supposed to post when i update. but i am too lazy to post because i have to choose and edit.

i feel that i should update anyway without the darn photos. but on the other hand, i feel that it`ll be very wasted if i don`t use the photos.

dilemma huh? bah.

shall update tmr or something. too tired. need to do my resume. gahhh. i think i`m quite lousy. everyone`s done theirs and i don`t even know where to start. poot.

my butt is cold.


Anonymous said...

nah.. Not everyone. I haven done mine too. that isn't lousy. Just that we're not as gan chiong as the rest. We'll get it done soon. No worries.

Anonymous said...

haha..same here. later then i going post. anyway, having cold butt is cool ok! haha!!