Wednesday, July 25, 2007

ze shitz

it is ze shitzz when you get all emo and down and mood swingy.

especially when you`re with crazies. like, wazzzupp mansss. with crazies still can be down? what rubbish.

ding/dan (dean? haha!) does not want to be an emo-poke like a certain someone. heh.

it is also ze shitzz when you talk philosophical then realise that you know shit about yourself.


haha. cpa test tmr. 2 more chaps. i am not studying. it is quite late. think i cannot make it for lecture. why does stupid nokia phone only have one alram timing? i miss my sony ericsson only cos it has multiple alarms. i hope i am not being dumb by saying this. maybe nokia have but i`m just too retarded to find out. hahahha.

i am thin i don`t care. :D

ps. i think i sound quite high huhh? need sleep. heh.

pps. no, not down anymore. :D :D :D

erratic much?


Marcus said...


Anonymous said...

prettiful chuan xueting's attempt to act complicated, i like. am still waitin for my subway breakfast, leii.....

, ding; said...

i am not mt fuji pls!
fuji apple can? :D

, ding; said...

hahaha. what attempt? and its not complicated what....

subway breakfast when? where got subway that`s convenient anyways?

i want tea. :D