Saturday, March 29, 2008


okay, so i just updated yesterday but didn`t update anything about yesterday. so smart right?

anyways, me and mich woke up at like, 4 pm yesterday. haha! headed down to town for her brows appointment which somehow got cancelled. so we were in town for no reason, with nothing to do. :/ we could`ve slept some more! heh. :D

so we went to get my brush since my gel eyeliner should be in the mail anytime now. (: walked aimlessly and somehow arrived at mos burger. had awesome strawberry milkshake (mine) and milk tea with 5 packets of milk (mich`s) while talking about nonsense stuff and remininscing about poly life as though we graduated damn long alr. haha!

then went over to far east in case we felt the craving for shilin chicken.
and there we shopped! :D

i bought this pair of cute blue shoes with a lovely pattern!

and i also got a reddish patterned dress (w/o sleeves omg. :/) which is in the wash alr, so no pictures.

mich also ended up getting shoes and a dress. so matchy matchy right? (: even better, they were patterned as well! her shoes had small polka dots (which she didn`t realise and remembered as checkered, :/) and her dress is a blue retro-ish dotted dress.

awesome buys yesterday. (: mich was especially glad to have gotten an outfit for next week`s partying. heh. (:

and actually, the only reason why i remembered that i didn`t blog about our great purchases is cos i just took out the pair of shoes and slipped them on my feet since they`re so cute, and damn it!

the shoes shrunk! or maybe my feet grew bigger in a day. gahh!

i swear they fitted fine in the shop! so ridiculous, i tell you! i think i need to bring it back for enlargement or something. rarrrr.


/edit. and oh, because we were busy shopping, shilin closed by the time we decided to eat. -_-

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