Friday, August 17, 2007


i am not happy.
and i am not happy that i`m not happy.

i think that you should be less selfish cos its not like you don`t have anyone else. but then, if i say that, i should tell myself to be less selfish, in order to not have double standard. and since i don`t think i can do that, i shouldn`t expect that from you.
i think i`m a selfish person. but with nothing to be selfish about anymore. bloody pathetic. don`t like being a loser. gahh.
and i think i`m stupidly naive. ommission of facts that you knew would lead me to believe something else is very close to a lie in my opinion. i hate being lied to cos it makes me seem fucking stupid. i hate lies but no, i`m not angry.
damn frustrated. just accept it. can it be so damned difficult? damn it, ding.
need to learn how to let go. must be able to let go before you decide to let go of me. when, not if.

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