Sunday, June 25, 2006

petty bitch

i know that i`m being a bitch.
i know that i have to right to act the way i did.
i know that i was being overly sensitive.
i know that i was super unreasonable.
i know that it was VERY selfish of me.
i know that it wasn`t meant to be taken to heart.
i know that i made a huge big fuss out of nothing.
i know that i`m being a big spoilt brat.
i know that i`m not practicing what i preach.
i know that i`m being unfair.
i know that.

but i`m sorry.
i knew all that but i still acted the same way.

maybe i`m not who you thought i am.
maybe i`m not who i think i am.

maybe i really am such a bitch.
maybe that`s how i really am.
maybe i`m really so horrible.

i don`t know myself anymore.

i`m sorry.

miserable excuse for a friend. bah.

its not your fault. its mine.

you all don`t deserve to be treated like that. i don`t know why i got so affected. i`ve got no excuse. i`m truly sorry.


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